Program, workshop and coaching disclaimer

Effective date: January 1, 2024


We believe that success comes from knowing yourself first. This first step in the process requires self-reflection, introspection and allowing yourself to see who you are, who you’ve become and what is/is not natural to you. Only then are you able to identify, find and launch a career, a project, a new stage or a venture that will be truly satisfying and a good fit. This crucial step in the process relies uniquely with you and your willingness to look at yourself honestly endeavors are almost never successful without this step.

We don't believe in instant success programs - only in knowing yourself, hard work, adding value, connecting with the right clients, building and serving others with excellence and constancy. Our programs, workshops, coaching and communities are intended to help you identify and share your value to make a difference in your life and in the workplace. Our programs requires commitment, self-reflection, learning, and/or trial and error that takes a lot of work - just like any worthwhile endeavor or learning/development program.

As with any professional development, personal development, self-discovery, career seeking or entrepreneurial endeavor, there is risk and you might not achieve your goals or find the perfect fit right away, might fail or get zero, even unintended results. Therefore, we do not make any guarantees about your ability to get specific results, including but not limited to career, professional, personal, business or financial results.

Please do not join our programs or our other support services if you believe in any of the following or similar types of beliefs:

  • I can achieve excellence and much higher than average results in anything, no matter what it is.
  • There is only one solution to all problems; and give me that solution.
  • I can get incredible results, success and excellence with little to no work.


Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this disclaimers, please contact us:

  • By email: [email protected]
  • By phone number: (+001) 613. 421. 47. 22 
  • By mail: 17001-1937 Portobello Blvd, Ottawa, ON Canada K4A4W8